Thursday, December 31, 2015

Financial Health

This is something that I would most definitely like to try for 2016. How healthy is your financial life? Did you know that there is a huge financial crisis in America? Are you one of the people that is not prepared for your future? Don't wait!!! You can start today!!

Are you ready?

2016 is about to be here. Is this the year that you take charge of your health and life? I would love to help you set and meet your goals! Together we can accomplish anything! 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Real people real health

Celebrating how Sweet Health can be in your life! This picture represents the amount of weight he lost!!!

Here is what Eric had to say, "Over four years ago, I lost 100 lbs. Now that I hold this 100 lbs of sugar, It totally makes sense why my back, neck, knees, & feet were all hurting. Not to mention High Cholesterol & blood pressure. Today all my levels are great and no more pain. Most of all, its what my kids have said and keep thanking me for the change, thats the big blessing."

Reach out to me if you would like to know more about our program.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Let's make life amazing!

It's absolute truth that life is full of ups and downs. My job is to be here through them both for you! Together we can work through the highs and lows. While we are doing this, we can get you healthy for life so that you can deal with the awful, ordinary, and mundane.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Tomorrow's Zoom Call to a Healthy Life!!

We invite you to join us THIS Sunday night (December 27th) for an encore of our #MOMBOSS presentation. Join us from 5:00-5:45 pm pacific - from your phone or computer!

You will get to hear from SEVEN "Mamaprenuers"/Certified Health Coaches/ #mombosses who have created executive incomes while working from home and living life full out with their families! We live integrated lives and we are excited to share our personal transformations!⚓️

We would love to have you on our team and help you live out your dreams and fulfill your purpose on this planet while raising up the next generation!‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

We will focus on helping you create a healthy body, healthy mind and spirit, and healthy finances in this coming ...year by plugging into our one-on-one coaching, group mentorship and team trainings!
Sound fantastic and interesting? Join in on the conference call and see if this is a fit for you?
Contact me at for the information!

Holiday Eating/weight loss

A very merry belated Christmas!!
I hope that this post finds you well and that you haven't overindulged in too much Christmas treats. I had planned on posting a ton of tips to help you make better choices for your health and weight.
They would have went something like this
1. Go to parties with a somewhat full stomach
2. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. BEFORE, DURING, and After.
3. It's ok to say no thank-you and choose a healthier alternative.
Just to name a few.....I will post a few more before New Years.
Now how did I do for our Christmas? Let me tell you, I LOST a ton of weight!! Before you congratulate me though, let me tell you I don't recommend the stomach virus that I had to do it! I most definitely would love a do-over on this Christmas but thankful to be on the other side of BLAH bug!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Believe in yourself!


I have most definitely found this to be true in my spiritual and personal life. I'm looking forward to holding you accountable to achieving your personal health goals in 2016.
Here's to an uplifting new year with a healthy new you!

Had to share!

How to Develop Your Gifts

People ask me all the time how to discover and develop the gifts God has given them. Here are a few helpful steps that I've discovered:

1. Focus on the strengths God gave you. Concentrating on your strengths will help you fulfill the calling God has put on your life.

2. Exercise your gift. Find something you like to do and that you do well, and do it over and over again. Want to know what will happen? You will feel better about yourself because you won't be constantly failing.

3. Have the courage to be different. Unhappiness comes when you try to be like everyone else rather than embracing the unique person that you are.

4. Learn to cope with criticism. Have enough confidence in who you are in Christ that you can listen to others and be open to change without feeling you have to agree with their viewpoint or attain their approval.

God has planted greatness in you. Let today be the beginning of a great adventure as you step into the gifts He's given you.

Prayer Starter: God, I want to cultivate and develop the gifts You've given me. Give me the courage to follow You and develop the gifts and abilities You've put inside me.
Joyce Meyer

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Not a morning person? Yeah I'm not either!!

Tips for Waking Up Early from a Deep Sleep

  1. Lay out the clothes you plan to exercise in the night before and set your socks and shoes in front of your bed.
  2. If it’s comfortable, go to sleep in your sports bra and running shorts. That way, half the work is already done when your alarm goes off.
  3. Whether you’re using a phone or alarm clock, put it far away enough so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off.
  4. Set a bottle of water close to your alarm clock, preferably with some lemon juice in it. Also, keep some no-bake energy bites nearby. You’ll need those first thing.
  5. When your alarm goes off, DO NOT HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON! and dont go back to sleep.  I really can’t stress this one enough. Just don’t do it. Set the alarm for the latest time possible, so you trick your brain into thinking you’re in a hurry, rather than thinking, “I can sleep for 10 more minutes.” That 10 minutes won’t make you less tired. It will, however, turn into 20 minutes, then 30 minutes, then no workout for you. Trust me on this one.
  6. While you’re up, grab that bottle of water you set aside the night before and drink a good amount. The lemon juice will kick start your metabolism and help your body wake up faster. Then eat an energy ball or two. Chewing will let your digestive system know it’s time to start working, and the protein-packed bites will fuel your workout.
  7. Before you even think of heading back to sleep, put on your sneakers and the rest of your workout gear. Put in your headphones and start listening to some music. Now you’re ready to go before your brain has figured out what just happened.
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Grace not perfection

Remember that your journey is specific only to you! Be accountable but make sure that you are setting realistic goals for your age, health, and life.

Monday, December 21, 2015


Wow!! I was working on Christmas cards yesterday and was so disappointed in myself. I had cards to go out from 2013, 2014, and 2015.
As part of my healthy life next year, I am getting myself organized. I hope that you will walk this journey with me and we can learn from each other!

Are you on empty?

Take the time to take care of yourself! It doesn't matter where you are in your life journey, it's never too late to start. I am guilty of this in over extending myself and not having anything left to give. 2016 will bring new boundaries for me so that I can take care of myself and better minister to my family.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Part of being completely healthy is taking charge of your well-being. Be encouraged that you are not alone! We can do this together!!

Teach your children early

10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out

Mid-way through a recent group exercise class, the teacher lost me.  She didn’t lose me because of some complicated step sequence or insanely long set of burpees; I mentally checked out because of a few words she kept saying over and over.  “Come on!  Get that body ready for your winter beach vacation!  Think about how you want to look at those holiday parties!  PICTURE HOW YOU’LL LOOK IN THAT DRESS!
THAT DRESS?”  My brain couldn’t focus on an image of some random dress hanging in my closet.  All I could think about was my three-year-old daughter hearing and trying to process those words.
My daughter’s little brain is making sense of the world every single second, taking in verbal and non-verbal cues about how things work and what things mean.  And when it comes to exercise, I want her to grow up seeing it as a joy, and not a utility…as a gift, and not a chore…as an opportunity, not an obligation.  I want her to do it for the love of it, not to fit into a dress.  I want her to grow up knowing that…
  1. Strength equals self-sufficiency.  Being strong – particularly as a woman – is empowering.  It will feel good someday to be able to carry your own luggage down the stairs if the airport escalator is broken, and it will be important to have a solid shot at outrunning a stranger should you meet one a dark alley.
  2. Fitness opens doors.  Being healthy and fit can help you see the world differently.  The planet looks different from a bike or a pair of skis than it does from a car or an airplane.  Out in the elements you have the time and space to notice details and meet people and remember smells and bugs and mud and rain and the feeling of warm sunshine on your face.  And those are the moments that make up your life.
  3. The bike is the new golf course.  Being fit may help you get a seat at the table.  Networking is no longer restricted to the golf course, and the stronger you are – and the more people you can hang with on the road and trail – the more people you’ll meet.
  4. Exercise is a lifestyle, not an event.  Being an active person isn’t about taking a class three times a week at the gym.  It’s about things like biking to the grocery store and parking your car in the back of the lot and walking instead of taking a cab and catching up with friends on a hiking trail instead of a bar stool.
  5. Health begets health.  Healthy behavior inspires healthy behavior.  Exercise.  Healthy eating.  Solid sleep.  Positive relationships.  These things are all related.
  6. Endorphins help you cope.  A good sweat session can clear the slate.  You will have days when nothing seems to go right…when you’re dizzy with frustration or crying in despair.  A workout can often turn things around.
  7. Working out signals hard-working.  The discipline required to work out on a regular basis signals success.  Someone recently told me they are way more likely to hire marathon runners and mountain climbers because of the level of commitment that goes into those pursuits.
  8. If you feel beautiful, you look beautiful.  Looking beautiful starts on the inside.  And being fit and strong feels beautiful.
  9. Nature rules.  And if you’re able to hike/run/bike/swim/ski/snowshoe, you can see more of it.
  10. Little eyes are always watching.  We learn from each other.  You may have a daughter—or a niece or a neighbor or a friend – one day.  And that little girl will be watching and listening to everything she you say and do.  What messages do you want her to hear?
I’ll never talk to my daughter about fitting into THAT DRESS.  But I will talk to her about what it sounds like to hear pine needles crunching under my feet and what it feels like to cross a finish line and how special it is to see the world on foot.  I will talk to her about hard work and self sufficiency.  I will teach her the joy of working out by showing her I love it.  And I’ll leave the rest up to her.

Originally posted at

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

California Cobb Strawberry Salad

    {California Cobb Strawberry Salad}
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    There is literally a foot of snow on the ground here in Salt Lake City, al...l fresh within the past 36's beautiful.
    A Bright Salad is just as welcome at my house in December as it is in the Summer (especially with the name California!)
    Ingredients for the salad:
    Serves 4
    8 cups Romaine lettuce, chopped (or spinach or lettuce of choice)
    2 cups Strawberries, chopped
    1/2 cup Feta cheese, crumbled (or blue cheese)
    1/2 a medium red onion,
    1 Large Avocado,cubed
    Sliced fresh cucumber
    2 large Lemon Pepper Chicken Breasts , cooked and sliced
    Arrange salad ingredients on plates.
    Lemon Pepper Chicken Instructions:
    2 large chicken breasts
    Juice of 1 fresh lemon
    1 Tbsp avocado or olive oil
    Zest not rind of 1 fresh lemon
    Sea salt to taste
    Freshly ground black pepper to taste (I use a lot of pepper for these!)
    Combine marinade ingredients, pour over chicken & coat well, either in a glass bowl or Ziploc.
    Let marinate for 1-4 hours in the refrigerator.
    Remove, let sit on counter for 20 minutes.
    Sauté in about 1/2 Tbsp additional oil on med/high for about 4 minutes per side until cooked through. Wrap in foil to keep moisture in while arranging salad.
    Avocado Ranch Dressing:

    1 cup plain Greek yogurt
    1 medium avocado, peeled and cored
    2 Tbsps fresh lime juice
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
    2 tsp chopped fresh dill
    2 tsp chopped fresh chives
    1/2 tsp onion powder
    Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
    4-6 Tbsps unsweetened milk, as needed
    Add all dressing ingredients except for milk to a food processor. Pulse until blended, scraping sides often. Add in milk 1 Tbsp at a time to reach desired consistency. Store in refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 5 days.
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Welcome to Healthy Life by Skidz Wife

Welcome to Healthy Life by Skidz Wife! 
My name is Jamie and I am about to embark on my journey as a health coach. I am hoping to get healthier physically, mentally, and spiritually in 2016. Do you want to join with me on this ride?
A little about my journey so far......
I have always been what I call "skinny fat." I am that girl that you love to hate. The one with the good genes who can eat mostly what she wants and still remain small.
But, I have a ton of unhealthy family history (high blood pressure, cardiac disease, diabetes, stroke, heart attacks, high cholesterol....just to name a few) that has really made me want to change my life for the better so that I can be around to enjoy my children's lives AND be a more active participant in them.
So what is a health coach?
Here is a definition for you.....
Health Coach is a wellness authority and supportive mentor who motivates individuals to cultivate positive health choices. Health Coaches educate and support clients to achieve their health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments. Proper health coach training programs and health coach certification ensure that Health Coaches know how to work with diverse groups of people and equips them with the tools necessary to best fit the needs of their clients.
“The primary objectives of health coaching are to educate the patient regarding self health management and to encourage patients in taking a more proactive role in staying healthy.”-Medical Economics, Nov 2010
As more and more awareness is given to preventative care, health coaching is seen as a vital aspect of creating healthy lifestyle changes.  Health Coaches are becoming recognized as essential and integral parts of people’s health and wellbeing.  Not only is there a shift to live healthier lives, people are finding that helping others become healthier makes their lives better too.

So stay tuned and I hope that you join me along the way!