Wednesday, April 13, 2016

20 Minute Tabata Workout for Beginners – Stimulating Fat Loss Routine

I am very interested in this concept! Looking forward to trying these workouts and incorporating them into my work out! Let me know if you decide to join in on the fun!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

How do you deal with stress?

Stress, like much of our evolutionary software, served a practical purpose for our distant ancestors but now poses a significant health challenge in a modern context. Stress, at its most basic level, is a survival response. When we feel threatened or in danger, our body produces chemicals & hormones designed to help us fight or take flight.

 In small doses, this response can save our lives. In large doses over a long time, however, we can suffer a number of consequences. Under stress, our bodies temporarily suspend the normal function of otherwise important systems—like immunity and digestion—much like Captain Kirk in Star Trek might divert all of his ship’s energy to forward shields in the heat of battle. Outside of battle, the rest of the ship needs to run normally if the crew is to function efficiently and productively.

 According to the Mayo Clinic, stress can lead to a number of health complications, like anxiety, depression, heart disease, & memory impairment. Managing your stress can also be a key factor in reaching & maintaining a healthy weight in addition to getting healthy, restorative sleep.

 As it is with nutrition, exercise, & sleep, failing to create a healthy mind will cripple the progress you have made in other areas of your life & may even undo the good work that you have done. The sooner you address the stress in your life, you can enjoy a peaceful, fulfilling life. You may discover that your stress comes from within, from your job,or from certain influences within your community. But I would be hard-pressed to believe that there is not some facet of your life—if not several—that is causing you stress.

 According to the American Psychological Association, 22 percent of Americans report suffering from “extreme stress” & more than half (53 percent) of Americans reported that stress was the source of personal health problems. On top of that, in a survey conducted by Harris Interactive (on behalf of Everest College), 8 out of 10 people reported that they are stressed about their jobs.

 We suspect these statistics don’t surprise you. The way stress affects us is generally pretty easy to see. At its core, stress is usually a combination of fear & unhappiness, two emotions that can rob you of your ability to make informed decisions about your health & can derail you from living a life that you feel is fulfilling.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Part of our daily reading for the Health Challenge

You can create health in your life, and that health can be lastingly vibrant if you approach the process open-minded and prepared. The reality of most resolutions failing is rooted in the power of habits. Joining a gym and starting a diet are easy. Keeping up with them is hard. This is why: your body is programmed to run automatic routines. Creating health means reprogramming those routines to favor health over disease, but a bad day or a strong temptation can derail the best of intentions. Creating Optimal Health in your life is really about organizing your life around the key areas (physical, mental and financial health), empowering you to create well-being and making sure that your daily choices support those long-term objectives!

This was part of our daily reading for our meltdown challenge today. I hope that it inspires you as it did me. Forming new habits are hard but with someone (ME your health coach!!) holding you accountable and encouraging you along the way it can be easier! Contact me today if you want to know more about our program!

#healthyforlife #healthcoach #gethealthy #doitnow

Monday, January 18, 2016

Day 2 of 7

Whew! Busy work out day. Not my typical day so don't think this is what you will have to do to stay fit! 
We had a family hike, lots of laundry trips up and down the stairs, and kickball practice on top of that! 6.54 miles is my highest for 2016 so far! 

Are you ready to try again?

Don't give up on your health! I can help you achieve the fitness and wellness goals that you set!  Reach out and touch base at 
#healthylifebyskidzwife #healthcoach #newlife 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

To work out or not work out?

A very common question that I have received since becoming a health coach is about my work out schedule. I decided to post for a week my activities. I try to hit at least 10,000 steps or around 5 miles a day in. I add other things in as well but definitely do not have a set schedule as of right now. 
Keep in mind that the key to losing weight and burning fat is focusing on WHAT and HOW you eat.
80% watching what you eat 20% physical activity. 
This was my Total today. I did a 2 mile trail run with the kids and Maverick plus daily activities. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Another reason why I became a health coach

One of the biggest things that I miss about nursing is helping my patients. I love the chance to help one person at a time get healthy. It doesn't matter if it is weight loss, stress relief,  better sleep or all of the above. #healthcoachingrocks

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Oil pulling week 1

Week 1 is complete. 
My observations :
1. Whiter teeth
2. Clean feeling mouth
3. Decreased bad breath (I will have to ask my husband to verify that fact!)
4. This is big for you allergy sufferers! I have noticed that it has helped drain more mucous in the morning and helped me breathe easier! 
Stay tuned....I will post when I reach the month mark too!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What do you like to do to stay healthy?

I don't know about your drive to work out, but mine is pretty low. I generally like sports that are going to be fun for me as well as good for my health. I am very thankful to have found a kickball team to participate on. Now before you laugh, it is a real sport and it is very challenging....broken ankles, wrists, feet, etc challenging! I have come to rely on my seasons of this sport for my stress and comedic relief.
What's your favorite sport?

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Oil pulling

I have started and stopped this process several times in the past, but I want to really give it a go in 2016 to see if there really are health benefits to it.
What I noticed when I was oil pulling somewhat regularly. 
1.whiter teeth
2. cleaner teeth
3. a decrease in bad breath
I am looking forward to making it part of my morning routine and in reporting how it makes me feel to y'all.
Anyone else care to chime in???
Here are a few articles that I have found helpful in the past!

10 Tips for Making Oil Pulling Work
  1. Start first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. If using coconut oil, melt it first, or let it melt in your mouth. I sort of “chew” it until it melts.
  3. Use less oil if it feels like it’s too much.
  4. Keep the oil in the front of your mouth – don’t gargle with it. You will have a mouthful of liquid by the end from the oil and the extra saliva.
  5. If your mouth and jaw get tired, take a break and let it sit without swishing in the front of your mouth.
  6. Try doing a small task that takes between 5-20 minutes – folding a load of laundry, taking a shower, checking emails, packing your kids’ lunches, vacuuming the living room, etc.
  7. Be sure to do it long enough so that the oil and the enzymes in your saliva interact.
  8. Spit the oil into the garbage can, not in the sink to prevent it from clogging pipes.
  9. Swish really well with salt water afterward.
  10. Brush your teeth and floss as normal. (I use a homemade toothpaste.)

Benefits of Coconut Oil Pulling why i swish with coconut oil alternative health cha ching

10 Benefits of Oil Pulling – From various sources.  Why to gargle with oil.
  • Oil pulling is thought to remove toxins in the body and improve overall heath.
  • Swishing with coconut oil whitens teeth, improves morning breath,  and improves oral health. In some studies, oil pulling reduces Streptococcus Mutans bacteria, a significant contributor to tooth decay.
  • Oil pulling increases energy.
  • Swishing with oil is believed to balance hormones and help with hormonal issues.
  • Less jaw pain.  TMJ sufferers have reported less jaw pain from oil pulling.
  • Improves skin conditions.  After oil pulling some have shown improvement in acne, Keratosis Pilaris, Psoriasis and Eczema.
  • Alleviation of headaches and hangovers occurs with oil pulling.
  • Gargling with oil boosts the immune system.
  • Oil pulling may prevent heart disease.
  • Swishing with oil is believed to reduce inflammation

Monday, January 4, 2016

Let's define 2016 for you!

Did you know that most people who have a health coach are much more likely to be successful and stick to their goals? 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Are you ready?

I am so ready to help you reach for the stars and your new health goals! Are you ready to take the first step? Please let me know when we can chat to find out what program would be best for you! 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Yum! This is going on the meal list for the month!

Time to try some new recipes for the New Year!

Garlic Margherita Chicken & Zucchini

1 lb chicken breast, or tenders cut into 1" pieces
1 tsp olive oil
1 large garlic clove, crushed
1/4 tsp sea salt
Ground black pepper, to taste
Zucchini & Tomatoes:
1.5 lbs zucchini, cut into half moon shapes
1.5 cups fresh, halved grape tomatoes
1 tsp olive oil
1 large garlic clove, crushed
1/2 tsp sea salt
Ground black pepper, to taste
1/4 cup fresh chopped Basil
A sprinkle of reduced fat Italian  cheese such as natural parmesean (optional)